The Great Yule Log Experiment 2016
Yule Log
Published on 16 December 2016 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 604. Reading Time: 3 mins.
When I was younger (in the 1980s) I always remember my mum making a Yule Log for Christmas. Of course, when I say “making”, I mean buying a chocolate swiss roll and covering it with some sort of chocolate buttercream/ganache. She always used to decorate it the same way using the same gold plastic Merry Christmas and sprinkle some icing sugar for that snow effect.
Now I have my own family, I thought it was time to decide whether to carry on that tradition of “making” a Yule Log or whether to stick with buying one like I have done for the last 10 years!
So for the last 4 weeks I have put myself through the hellish task of testing a Yule Log a week to find out which is the nicest/best so that we can buy the right one for Christmas Day. Obviously this was just a ruse to eat more cake but the better half bought into the idea, so why not?!
The criteria I marked against was:
- Presentation - after all they say you eat with your eyes first!
- Cost - after all we are in a time of austerity at the moment.
- Taste - Who wants to eat cake that doesn’t taste #awesome?
Each was marked out of 5, so the totals are out of 15!
The following details the order in which they ranked during our testing:
Marks and Spencer Hand Decorated Chocolate Yule Log

Description: A light chocolate swiss roll filled with indulgent chocolate buttercream & generously covered win chocolate fudge & delicately sparkling snow dusting. Availability: In Store Only Price: £6.00
Results Presentation: 5 Cost: 4 Taste: 5 Total: 14
Opinion: This was definitely the best one we tasted. If you’re a milk chocolate lover, you will love this. Soft, creamy and delicious. M&S do it again! Luckily we managed to find another one for Christmas day!
Tesco Finest Yule Log

Description: Chocolate flavoured sponge roll filled with chocolate flavoured buttercream, covered in milk chocolate and finished with Belgian milk chocolate ganache frosting. Availability: In Store or online Price: £3.50
Results Presentation: 4 Cost: 5 Taste: 4 Total: 13
Opinion: This was a close Tesco’s finest was a close second. One thing that confused us was underneath the ganache is a hard chocolate shell. It almost seemed like the standard Tesco chocolate log just tarted up with a ganache coating.
Waitrose Belgium Chocolate Yule Log

**Description: Chocolate sponge filled with chocolate buttercream, finished with a chocolate frosting and sweet dusting. Availability: In Store or online Price: £5.00
Results Presentation: 4 **Cost:**4 Taste: 3 Total: 11
Opinion: This was the last one we tested. It was nice, but for me the frosting seemed too chocolate-y. (i can’t believe it either!)
Tesco Chocolate Yule Log

**Description: Chocolate flavoured sponge filled with chocolate buttercream, covered in milk chocolate and finished with a sweet dusting. Availability: In Store or online Price: £2.00
Results Presentation: 2 Cost: 5 Taste: 3 Total: 11
Opinion: This was the first one we tested. The sponge was OK but the hard chocolate coating let it down.
- The Yule Logs in this review were purchased and not provided by the manufacturers.
- This is an impartial review, I have not been paid in anyway for my opinion and i do not get anything if you click through to the manufacturers website.
- This is not an exhaustive list of Yule Logs, there are other manufacturers and supermarkets.
- Some products may contain allergens, please check before you buy!
- The does not take any responsibility for your expanded waistline should you choose to purchase any of the above.
Published on 16 December 2016 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 604. Reading Time: 3 mins.