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HOWTO: Install PowerCLI 6.5.1 - As easy as 1-2-3!
PowerCLI PowerShell VMware
Published on 24 April 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 200. Reading Time: 1 mins.
This is a very quick post on the latest version of VMware’s PowerCLI, v6.5.1. See VMware’s Official Blog here .
This is now a MODULE available from the
PowerShell Gallery
which is #Awesome because it has been a major annoyance not being able just to type Install-Module PowerCLI
to install it. Instead you had to go through a standard windows install package in the past.
Step By Step Guide
- Remove existing PowerCLI installation.
- Open a Administrative PowerShell window.
- Run
Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI -Force -confirm:$false
Detailed Steps
- Firstly, you need to remove any version of PowerCLI that you currently have installed using Add/Remove Programs on your device.
- Open a Administrative Powershell Prompt (right click on the PowerShell icon and select Run As Administrator).
- If prompted by UAC, click Yes to confirm

- Finally, type:
Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI -Confirm:$false -Force
- press Enter.

You can optionally add additional settings/switches, run
Get-Help Install-Module
for more information but I use the -Force
and -confirm:$false
to ensure no additional prompts are required as the PowerShell Gallery is currently an Untrusted repository Source.
And there you have it… it is as simple 1-2-3…
There are some cool new cmdlets so let’s get on with using them!
Published on 24 April 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 200. Reading Time: 1 mins.
Related Post(s):
- HOWTO: Automate the installation of the External Platform Services Controller using PowerCLI & JSON - Part 2 ()
- HOWTO: Automate the installation of the External Platform Services Controller using PowerCLI & JSON - Part 1 ()
- Book Review: VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration - 2nd Edition ()
- HOWTO: Create vRealize Automation User Role in vCenter using PowerCLI ()
- HOWTO: Power On a VMware Virtual Machine with PowerCLI (PowerCLI 101) ()
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