Attending KubeCon and CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 as a Kubernetes Newbie!

KubeCon KubeConEU CloudNativeCon 2022

Published on 15 May 2022 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 418. Reading Time: 2 mins.


I am luckily enough to be afforded the opportunity to go to my first in-person conference in over 2 years by attending the KubeCon & CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain which is being held on 16th - 20th May 2022. I will be trying to blog some of my experiences whilst I am here!

Why Am I going?

Why am i going to KubeCon? It is a good question Cloud Native is continuing to gain traction throughout the enterprise It is no longer just about infrastructure. Application (and specifically Kubernetes) is driving a lot of changes within the infrastructure space as the industry struggles to fully adopt the new way of developing.

Who will be there?

I’ll be there with a few of my fellow VMware colleagues but luckily there is no booth duty for me as I’m purely going as an attendee! I must admit I am little nervous about a couple of things, including the international travel and the fact there are a lot of people converging on one destination to create a melting pot of ideas (and potentially germs)!

I guess I could have attended virtually, but I am so over virtual conferences (the experience just is not the same) and trying to (unsuccessfully) block out my diary to not be disturbed during session Also, at some point we have to take steps towards a different normal again!


My broad agenda for the week looks something like the following (however is subject to change depending on what the day brings!):

KubeCon Europe 2022 Agenda Overview
Day Session/Activity
Sunday Buenos Dias Valencia! & Badge Collection
Monday Kubernetes AI Day - Hosted by CNCF
Tuesday Kubernetes on Azure Day
Wednesday KubeCon Day 1 Sessions
Thursday KubeCon Day 2 Sessions
Friday KubeCon Day 3 Sessions
Saturday ¡Adiós València!

Final Thoughts

As a kubernetes newbie I am going to try to immerse myself in all things k8s to try and get an understanding of the technology and app space Frankly, I’m a little nervous as it has been a long time since I have been to a conference where I feel completely out of my depth with the technology and acronyms being thrown out there!

This is going to be very interesting!

BTW If you see me wandering the halls or the Solution Showcase looking at little lost, be sure to come and say Buenos Dias!

Published on 15 May 2022 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 418. Reading Time: 2 mins.

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