Update 31st January 2025: Please be aware that the VMware Documentation site has been migrated to it's new home at Broadcom TechDocs. As a result of this, I have been informed that some external links in this site no longer function correctly. If you do find a broken link before it is replaced, please reach out via social media and let me know!

Christopher Lewis
Meet The Author
Christopher Lewis lives in the UK with his family and works as a Specialist Lead SE at VMware. Christopher has over 18 years industry experience supporting, delivering and designing enterprise scale IT systems based on VMware, Microsoft and Citrix technologies across multiple industry sectors. Christopher is a big supporter of the vCommunity and regularly attends VMUGs to both present and learn.
Current Role: Lead Solution Engineer - Cloud Management @ VMware
vExpert Status: 2016-2023, VSAN 2018-2019, Cloud, Cloud Management 2019-2023, NSX 2017-2019
Community Speaking
- VCF Automation: What’s New? - UK VMUG UserCon (November)
- Certification Update: VCF and VVF Exams are Go! - UK VMUG UserCon (November)
- Multi-Cloud - What’s Aria Gotta Do With It? - London VMUG (May)
- vRealize Automation Cloud Templates - Decoded - VMware EMPOWER AMER/EMEA/APJ (May)
- Migrating from vRealize Automation 7 to vRealize Automation 8 - London VMUG (March)
- Everything You Wanted To Know About vRealize Automation 8 - But Was Afraid To Ask - London VMUG (January)
- A vSphere Admins guide to Infrastructure Pipelines with VMware Code Stream - Dallas VMUG (August)
- vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager - Notes, Tips and Tricks from the field - North East VMUG
- vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager - Notes, Tips and Tricks from the field - South West VMUG
- vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager - Notes, Tips and Tricks from the field (Updated) - London VMUG
- VMware Cloud on AWS: Architecture and Design - UKVMUG
- vRealize Automation 8: Like Lightning - UKVMUG
- VMware vSAN Design - Zero to Hero - London VMUG
- Delivering a VMware Cloud Management Platform - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - (TechUG London)
- A VMware Admins Guide to vRealize Orchestrator - North East VMUG
- vSphere Optimization Assessment for Partners (internal)
- Don't Panic - VMware vSphere 5.5 End of General Support (Xtravirt/Bytes)
- Vra Vra Vroom (Xtravirt/CloudInsiders)
- Cloud Data Management (CloudInsiders/Rubrik)
- Cloud Hosting (CloudInsiders/iLand)
Christopher’s most recent Certifications are detailed below. Christopher’s full list of Certifications can be viewed using Credly !
Subject Matter Experts




Cloud Management

Datacenter Virtualisation

Network Virtualisation

Skills / Certifications

Azure AI
Azure Infrastructure
Other Badges

Professional Memberships

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