Tag : AWS Summit

Written by Christopher Lewis on June 29, 2017 .

Today I attended my first AWS Summit (London) at the Excel Centre. What is AWS Summit? AWS Summit is a free one day expo that allows people with all different levels of experience with AWS to get better understanding about its capabilities and how those experiences can be leveraged for their business. It all started with the Keynote The keynote was started by Gavin Jackson (Managing Director, AWS UK and Ireland) who covered various topics around AWS including AWS:Restart which is an initiative to help those people (such as ex-Servicemen and youngsters) into the tech industry.

AWS AWS Summit

Written by Christopher Lewis on June 27, 2017 .

Tomorrow is AWS Summit in London. Having never been, I am not sure what to expect but I am looking forward to seeing what AWS has to offer. My journey to learn about AWS started a few months ago using the acloud.guru courses but life has gotten in the way. I am hoping AWS Summit will give me the push I need to get learning AWS again. Luckily I also know a few others that are attending so it will be good to catch up in person with everyone too.

AWS AWS Summit