Category : VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 5, 2025 .

In this Series, using a real use case as an example, we will look at how to replace an out of the box Resource Action with a Custom Resource Action so that the input form can be customized. In part 1 of the series, we will introduce the use case, review terminology around the topic and walk through how we can discover which API call is being made when we request a Resource Action in the UI.

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 23, 2024 .

In the first post of this series, we will walkthrough everything we want to know about Pricing Cards to enable end user visibility for the cost of running workloads in a VMware Private Cloud.

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation VMware Aria Operations

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 23, 2024 .

In the third post of this series, we will walkthrough the steps to create a Pricing Card in VMware Aria Automation.

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 7, 2024 .

In part four of this five post blog series, we will continue our #Zero2Hero journey in understanding the authoring of Multiple Virtual Machine VMware Cloud Templates. We will continue with working towards the use case for deploy multiple virtual machines (with additional on-demand disk configurations) by looking at the Single Machine - Multiple Disks (with additional on-demand disk configurations) VMware Cloud Template.

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 7, 2024 .

In the final part of this five post blog series, we will complete our #Zero2Hero journey by looking at how we can deploy multiple machines each with identical additional on-demand disk configurations. In this final post we will at the last stop on our journey and review the final VMware Cloud Template!

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 6, 2024 .

In part three of this five post blog series, we will continue our #Zero2Hero journey in understanding the authoring VMware Cloud Templates. We will continue with working towards the use case for deploy multiple virtual machines (with additional on-demand disk configurations).

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 5, 2024 .

In the second post of this five post blog series, we can continue our journey from #Zero2Hero in authoring VMware Cloud Templates. We will be increment the functionality in the VMware Cloud Template as continue to work on the use case for deploy multiple virtual machines (with additional on-demand disk configurations).

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 29, 2024 .

In the first of this five post blog series, we will start to look at how we can go from #Zero2Hero in authoring VMware Cloud Templates.

VMware Aria VMware Aria Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on September 17, 2023 .

In this post we will look at how and why we would use Advanced Workload Placement using allocation-based capacity metrics. In doing this we will review the basics of workload placement and Demand vs Allocation capacity metrics, look how to enable Advanced Workload Placement in VMware Aria Automation and how we can configure Advanced Workload Placement in Aria Operations to use allocation rather than demand-based metrics.

VMware VMware Aria VMware Aria Operations VMware Aria Automation