Category : VMUG

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 22, 2019 .

It has been nearly 20 years since I was last in Bristol, but on Wednesday 20th March I attended and presented at the UK ’s South West VMUG to a small but engaging crowd of IT professionals with a shared interest in VMware products.

Who are the UK South West VMUG?

The South West VMUG ( @swukvmug ) may not be the biggest VMware User Group in the UK (with about 20-30 people), but the calibre of the leadership team ( Barry Coombs , Megan Warren , Simon Eady and Jeremy Bowman ) meant the day was always going to be a success for its attendees.


Written by Christopher Lewis on June 22, 2017 .

I am on my way home from my first North East VMUG ( @NorthEastVMUG ). It is not my first VMUG. Work allowing, I have been a regular attendee to the London VMUG ( @LonVMUG ) for the last few years. This time would be different though. This time I was presenting a session for the first time.

What is VMUG?

The VMware User Group (VMUG) is an independent, global, customer-led organization, created to maximize members’ use of VMware and partner solutions through knowledge sharing, training, collaboration, and events. There are numerous VMUG meetings around the world, so there is more than likely one near you!

vExpert VMUG vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on November 21, 2016 .

This post is Part 2 of a two part post covering UK VMUG, click here to read Part 1

The only session I attended in the morning was the Community Session, Going Hybrid - using vRealize Automation as a cloud broker for AWS, vCloud Air and Azure given by Sam McGeown . This was a good session overall with Sam going through the differences of deploying the same application to both an on-premises test infrastructure and with Amazon Web Services (no sign of an Azure demo though - but as this is expected in vRealize Automation 7.2 which is not GA yet - that wasn’t a surprise).

VMware VMUG UK VMUG vExpert

Written by Christopher Lewis on November 18, 2016 .

I am right now sitting on the train heading back into London with a smile on my face. I’m listening to music (Eye of the Tiger just started playing) and I’m tapping away on my laptop. Why am I smiling? Well it is simple, today was the first time I realised and understood the value of the community. Today was my first UK VMUG it was the first time in a long time I have enjoyed a UK wide conference. London VMUG (#LonVMUG) is #AWESOME, but today was just bigger (and better) in every way imaginable.

VMware VMUG UK VMUG vExpert

Written by Christopher Lewis on November 7, 2016 .

Just over a week until the UK VMUG 2016. This will be my first year in attendance and after a really good VMworld Barcelona I’m looking forward to it. Whilst only a single day (if you excluded the vCurry the night before) I am hoping it will be successful in capturing the essence of VMworld.

There seemed to be a big focus on VMware User Group in the VMware EMEA Solution Exchange this year, both around promotion of the “free to join” standard membership and the “pay for” VMUG Advantage membership. Personally, this is my second year as a VMUG Advantage Member and the discounts on Exams and VMworld attendance has basically paid for the membership. Albeit when there are no more exams to do, I’m sure it will start costing me money… wait… when is there never any VMware exams to do?

VMware VMUG UK VMUG vExpert