Tag : VCP6

Written by Christopher Lewis on September 25, 2017 .


I have worked in “the industry” for the last 17+ years, so picking up new technologies and learning as much as I can (or at least as much I need to know to be dangerous) has become second nature to me.

If I was just starting out in IT today, I’m not sure where I would start. I know when I started back in the day with software packaging with WISE Package Studio, Networking was a dark art. Still today, some of its intricacies are a mystery to me and thats not because it is particularly difficult, its because there is only so much time in the day and so much you can know.

NSX NSX-V VCAP6 VCP6 vExpert VMware

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 6, 2017 .

I have finally obtained the tri-fecta of SDDC VMware Certified Professional certifications (i.e. VCP6-DCV, VCP6-CMA and VCP6-NV)! In this post I discuss my experience in getting the final VCP6-NV