VMworld 2016 - Hackathon
VMware VMworld VMworld 2016 Barcelona Hackathon
Published on 23 October 2016 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 212. Reading Time: 1 mins.

To round of the off the first evening at VMworld Barcelona, I attended the very first VMworld Hackathon - Barcelona (#HackVMW) run by Alan Renouf ( @alanrenouf ).

Seven teams of disparate (or is that desparate?) individuals came together with one goal in mind: to complete (well nearly) 7 different projects.

I was lucky enough to be in Team 7 (AKA Team Anger Management), with Team Captain Mike Foley ( @mikefoley ), sub-team captain Duncan Epping ( @DuncanYB ) ,Myles Gray ( @mylesagray ),Cormac Hogan ( @CormacJHogan ), Paudie O’Reilly( @oriorp ), Dario Dörflinger.

Our goal was to produce a repeatable working on a Nest vLAB Solution. Where we could use one PowerShell/PowerCLI script to create a repeatable nested Lab behind a VMwares NSX NAT.
Once everyone was on board with the concept, we got working on the individual components. Unfortunately the majority of the evening was spent trying to circumvent the lack of resources that the Intel NUC provided us and whilst we didn’t complete the task, we had fun, drank and ate lots, and made some good contacts.
I may have missed the VMUG, Arrow and Nutanix parties, but the Hackathon was definitely the highlight of my first day at my first VMworld! Look forward to the next #HackVMW event!
Published on 23 October 2016 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 212. Reading Time: 1 mins.
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