HOWTO: Install the VMware vRealize Automation 6.x IaaS Components (Simple Install)

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Published on 12 January 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 430. Reading Time: 3 mins.


This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .


  • Deploy a Windows Virtual Machine to be used as a IaaS Server.
  • Install and Configure the VMware vRealize Automation IaaS Prerequisites
  • Configure Service Account permissions in SQL Server
  • Download the IaaS Installer from the VMware vRealize Automation Appliance

Configuration Overview

The high level configuration steps for this are:

  1. Log onto the IaaS Server as the vRealize Automation Service Account.
  2. Install VMware vRealize Automation IaaS.

Install VMware vRealize Automation IaaS

  1. Locate the IaaS Installer (setup_cx-vra-601.thecloudxpert.local@5480.exe) and right-click and select Run as Administrator.
  1. If prompted by a User Account Control dialog, click Yes.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Check the I accept the terms in the license agreement checkbox and click Next.
  1. Enter the root credentials (Username and Password) of the vRealize Automation Appliance (where you downloaded this IaaS installer from) and check the Accept Certificate checkbox.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Select the Complete Install option and click Next.
  1. Check to ensure the prerequisites have all been completed and click Next.

  1. Enter the Password for the vRealize Automation Service Account (this should be automatically populated as it should be the currently logged on user), enter and confirm a Passphrase for the encryption at rest for the IaaS Database, and then confirm (and update where necessary) the information on the SQL Server.

  1. Click Next.
  1. Change the information on this screen as appropriate to meet any naming standards/conventions and then click Next.

  1. Complete the following:
  • Click Load to update the SSO Default Tenant text box with the name of the default tenant, vSphere.local
  • Click Download to download the certificate from the vRealize Automation Appliance.
  • Check the Accept Certificate checkbox
  • Enter administrator@vsphere.local into the User Name textbox, enter (and confirm) the password for the account, then click Test.
  • Confirm the FDQN in the IaaS Server name text field is correct and click Test.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Click Install.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Uncheck the Guide me through the initial system configuration checkbox and click Finish.

There we have the installation of vRealize Automation IaaS in an all-in-one simple/rainpole configuration!

Published on 12 January 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 430. Reading Time: 3 mins.