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HOWTO: Configure a vRealize Automation 6 Advanced Services Endpoint for Active Directory
VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA
Published on 7 February 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 211. Reading Time: 1 mins.
This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .
In this post we are covering the configuration of the Advanced Services Endpoint for Active Directory.
Prerequisite Steps
- A fully deployed vRealize Automation implementation.
Step by Step Instructions
Once you have created an AD Endpoint it cannot be deleted, only updated.
- Navigate to and Log into the vRealize Automation Tenant Portal as a Tenant Administration user.
- Navigate to Administration > Orchestration Configuration > Endpoints.

- Click Add.

- Select Active Directory from the Plug-in dropdown.

- Click Next.

- At the Endpoint Tab, type the Name of the Endpoint into the Name textbox and (optionally) add a description.

- Click Next.

You can only point the Endpoint to a single Active Directory server.
- Type the following information under Active Directory Server:
- Type
into the Active Directory host IP/URL text box. - Type
(GC) or389
(no-GC) into the Port text box. - Type
into the Root text box. - (optionally) Select Yes from the Use SSL dropdown.
- (optionally) Type
into the Default domain text box.

- Type the credentials for the user account to be used to access Active Directory.

- Click Add.

And there you have it.
Published on 7 February 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 211. Reading Time: 1 mins.
Related Post(s):
- HOWTO: Deploy the vRealize Orchestrator 6.x Appliance for vRealize Automation ()
- VCAP6-CMA Deploy - Objective 5.2 - Modify a Blueprint to invoke a Workflow during a Lifecycle Change ()
- VCAP6-CMA Deploy - Objective 4.3: Manage Custom Properties and Build Profiles ()
- VCAP6-CMA Deploy - Objective 4.2: Publish a Machine Blueprint to a Service Catalog ()
- VCAP6-CMA Deploy - Objective 4.1: Create and Configure vRealize Automation Machine Blueprints ()
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