Category : VRealize Automation

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 5, 2017 .

Objective Overview

Objective 4.1: Create and Configure vRealize Automation Machine Blueprints

  • Create and Configure Machine Blueprints according to a deployment plan:
    • Assign a Reservation Policy
    • Define Instance Types
    • Define Build Profiles/Custom properties
    • Create Machine Prefixes
    • Create Lease Policies
    • Create Machine Resource Allocations (min/max)
    • Define Actions
    • Create Shared Blueprints
    • Create Master Blueprints
    • Create Multi-Machine Blueprints

Objective Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are assumed for this Objective:

  • A fully deployed vRealize Automation Solution (See Objective 1 ).
  • Fabric Group and Reservation created

Objective Breakdown

In this example, I am going to create a Blueprint based on a vSphere Template in the Default Tenant (but you could just as easily create it in another tenant). I will fill out the minimal information required to create the blueprint and then tackle each of the elements of this objective. Obviously, In real life you would complete as much as possible when creating the Blueprint rather than going back and amending it multiple times.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 5, 2017 .

Objective Overview

Objective 5.1 - Configure Tenant Properties

  • Configure vRealize Orchestrator
    • Install and configure plug-ins
    • Import an SSL certificate
    • Add a vRA server and an IaaS server to vRO.
    • Enable custom integrations between vRA and vRO.
    • Install and configure a vRO plug-in.
    • Import a SSL certificate in vRO configurator.

Note: Due to the obvious duplicate tasks/items/objectives under Configure vRealize Orchestrator, I have re-ordered the tasks in this objective.

Objective Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are assumed for this Objective:

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 29, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

In this post we are covering the deployment and configuration of the External vRealize Orchestrator Appliance.

Prerequisite Steps

  • A fully deployed vRealize Automation implementation.


  1. Deploy the External vRealize Orchestrator Appliance.
  2. Configure NTP Time Servers on the vRealize Orchestrator Appliance.
  3. Configure Authentication to use vRealize Automation Component Registry.
  4. Import the vRealize Automation Plugin.
  5. Run the Add vCAC host Workflow.
  6. Run the Add the IaaS host of a vCAC host Workflow.
  7. Run the Install vCO customizations Workflow.
  8. Configure vRealize Automation to use an External Orchestrator
  9. Create an Orchestrator Endpoint in vRealize Automation.

Step by Step Instructions

Deploying the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Appliance

Note: For anyone who has deployed an OVF/OVA before (such as the vRealize Automation Identity Appliance or the vRealize Automation Appliance) the steps will look very familiar!

VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 28, 2017 .

Objective Overview

Objective 1.3 - Deploy and Manage vRealize Automation Center Infrastructure Components

  • Implement DNS requirements for Load Balancer integration according to a deployment plan.
  • Install certificates on each relevant vRA component in standard and distributed model.
  • Configure SSO Identity Source for use with vRealize Automation.
  • Configure components using FQDN via CNAME definitions before load balancer is available.
  • Configure SMTP notifications.

Objective Prerequisites


Objective Breakdown

Implement DNS requirements for Load Balancer integration according to a deployment plan

For this section, you will need to ensure that you have the appropriate DNS A Record(s) in place for all of the components and the Load Balanced VIPs. This includes both forward (name to IP) and reverse (IP to name) lookup.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 28, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

In this post we are covering the deployment of the vRealize Automation Proxy Agent so that we can create a vSphere Endpoint.

Prerequisite Steps

  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available SSO Solution.
  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available vRA Appliance solution ( HOWTO .
  • Deploy and configure two vRealize Automation IaaS Web Servers ( HOWTO
  • Deploy and configure two vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Servers ( HOWTO )
  • Deploy and configure one or more vRealize Automation DEM Workers ( HOWTO ).
  • Deploy one or more Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines ( PDF ) to use as Proxy Agent Servers.


  1. Configure the vRealize Automation User permissions in vSphere
  2. Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance.
  3. Install the VMware vRealize Automation Proxy Agent for vSphere.
  4. Create the vSphere Endpoint in vRealize Automation.

Step by Step Instructions

Configure the vRealize Automation User permissions in vSphere

See HOWTO – Create vRealize Automation User Role in vCenter using PowerCLI

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 27, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Prerequisite Steps

  • Deploy one or more Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines ( SPEC ) to use as DEM Worker Servers.
  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available SSO Solution.
  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available vRA Appliance solution ( HOWTO .
  • Deploy and configure two vRealize Automation IaaS Web Servers ( HOWTO
  • Deploy and configure two vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Servers ( HOWTO )
  • Create DNS A and PTR Records for:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager VIP
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 1 (assumed as part of AD joi
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 2 (assumed as part of AD join)
  • Create a Subject Alternative Name Certificate containing the following FQDNs:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager VIP
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 1
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 2
  • Deploy one or more Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines ( PDF ) to use as DEM Worker Servers.


  1. Configure the vRealize Automation IaaS DEM Prerequisites.
  2. Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance.
  3. Install the VMware vRealize Automation DEM Worker(s).
  4. Confirm the DEM Worker is registered.

Step by Step Instructions

Configure the vRealize Automation IaaS DEM Prerequisites.

I have covered the install of IaaS Server prerequisites in a previous post called HOWTO: Install the VMware vRealize Automation 6.x IaaS Prerequisites . The vRealize Automation IaaS DEM prerequisites are a subset of these, which are:

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 26, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Prerequisite Steps

  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available SSO Solution.
  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available vRA Appliance solution ( HOWTO ).
  • Deploy and configure two vRealize Automation IaaS Web Servers ( HOWTO ).
  • Create DNS A and PTR Records for:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager VIP
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 1 (assumed as part of AD joi
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 2 (assumed as part of AD join)
  • Create a Subject Alternative Name Certificate containing the following FQDNs:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager VIP
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 1
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Server 2
  • Deploy two Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines ( PDF ).
  • Configure the VMware vRealize Automation IaaS Prerequisites ( HOWTO ).
  • Configure a Load Balanced VIP for the vRA IaaS Manager Service ( PDF )


  1. Disable vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Health Monitors.
  2. Disable Secondary Server in the vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Service VIP.
  3. Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance.
  4. Install the Primary VMware vRealize Automation Manager Service.
  5. Install the VMware vRealize Automation DEM Orchestrator.
  6. Install the Secondary VMware vRealize Automation Manager Service.
  7. Install the Secondary VMware vRealize Automation DEM Orchestrator.
  8. Enable Secondary Server in the vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Service VIP.
  9. Enable vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Health Monitors.

Step by Step Instructions

Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance.

See HOWTO: Obtain the vRealize Automation 6.x IaaS Installer Package

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 25, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Prerequisite Steps

  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available SSO Solution.
  • Deploy and configure a supported Highly Available vRA Appliance solution ( HOWTO ).
  • Create DNS A and PTR Records for:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Web VIP
    • vRealize Automation Server 1 (assumed as part of AD join)
    • vRealize Automation Server 2 (assumed as part of AD join)
  • Create a Subject Alternative Name Certificate containing the following FQDNs:
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Web VIP
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Web Server 1
    • vRealize Automation IaaS Web Server 2
  • Deploy two Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines ( PDF ).
  • Configure the VMware vRealize Automation IaaS Prerequisites ( HOWTO ).
  • Configure a Load Balanced VIP for the vRA IaaS Web Service ( PDF ).


  1. Disable vRealize Automation IaaS Web Health Monitors.
  2. Disable Secondary Server in the vRealize Automation IaaS Web Service VIP.
  3. Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance
  4. Install the Primary VMware vRealize Automation Web Server.
  5. Install the Secondary VMware vRealize Automation Web Server.
  6. Enable Secondary Server in the vRealize Automation IaaS Web Service VIP.
  7. Enable vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Health Monitors.

Step by Step Instructions

Download the IaaS Installer from the vRealize Automation Virtual Appliance

See HOWTO: Obtain the vRealize Automation 6.x IaaS Installer Package

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 25, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

In this post I will be covering how to install the vRealize Automation IaaS 6.x Database separately from the other IaaS components using the IaaS Installer.

This is not something I normally do in isolation, but I wanted to show it is possible. Normally, I install the database when I install the Primary Web Component (Large) or both Primary Web and Manager Service component (Medium) in a Distributed installation.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 25, 2017 .

Objective Overview

Objective 1.2 - Deploy and Manage vRA Appliances and IaaS Servers in a Distributed Configuration

  • Deploy vRA Appliances in a distributed / highly available configuration.
  • Deploy virtual appliance in segregated role configuration(s).
  • Acquire IaaS installation media from the virtual appliance.
  • Perform initial configuration of vRealize Appliances and IaaS Servers.
  • Configure IaaS in segregated role configuration(s).
  • Enable Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) to communicate between all servers in deployment.
  • Configure Windows Firewall to allow vRA components to communicate.

Objective Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are assumed for this Objective:

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA