Tag : VRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on November 4, 2020 .
In this post, we will walk through how to configure the integration for the embedded (shared) vRealize Orchestrator into the additional customer tenants.
vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator vRA vRO Multi-Tenancy

Written by Christopher Lewis on November 3, 2020 .
In this post, which is one in a series of posts, we will review some of the different options for vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) multi-tenancy within a vRealize Automation (vRA) 8.x multi-organization tenancy environment
vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator vRA vRO Multi-Tenancy

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 12, 2017 .
This is the fourth in a series of posts covering the replacement of vRealize Automation SSL Certificates. In this post, we will tackle steps required to update the embedded vRealize Orchestrator certificate following the replacement of the vRealize Automation Appliance certificate.
This post is based on the VMware procedure and this is documented within the VMware Documentation Site here .
According to the VMware, the reason for completing this additional step is that if you replace or update vRealize Automation certificates without completing this procedure, the vRealize Orchestrator Control Center may become inaccessible, and errors may appear in the vco-server and vco-configurator log files.
Certificates VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 11, 2017 .
This is the third in a series of posts covering the replacement of vRealize Automation SSL Certificates. In this post, we will tackle replacing the vRealize Automation IaaS Manager Service Certificate.
This post is based on the VMware procedure and this is documented here .
The following are expected prerequisites for this walkthrough:
- A fully deployed and working vRealize Automation solution.
- A set of certificate files:
- The RSA Private Key used to encrypt the vRA IaaS Manager certificate.
- The Root CA Certificate file.
- The vRA IaaS Manager Certificate file.
- The Root CA Certificate and any Subordinate/Intermediate CA Certificates are installed within the appropriate Certificate store on the local machine (normally the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and the Intermediate Certification Authority respectively).
Identifying the “Issue”
If you log into any vRA IaaS DEM or Agent server and navigate to https://vra7-man.fqdn/VMPS
you will see the screen below:
Certificates VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 11, 2017 .
This is the second post in a series of posts covering the replacement of vRealize Automation SSL Certificates. In this post, we will tackle replacing the vRealize Automation IaaS Web Server Certificate.
This post is based on the VMware procedure and this is documented here .
The following are expected prerequisites for this walkthrough:
- A fully deployed and working vRealize Automation solution.
- A set of certificate files:
- The RSA Private Key used to encrypt the vRA IaaS Web certificate.
- The Root CA Certificate file.
- The vRA IaaS Web Certificate file.
- The Root CA Certificate and any Subordinate/Intermediate CA Certificates are installed within the appropriate Certificate store on the local machine (normally the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and the Intermediate Certification Authority respectively).
Replacing the Infrastructure as a Service Web Certificate
Navigate to the vRealize Automation Appliances Virtual Appliance Management Infrastructure (VAMI) interface, https://vra.fqdn:5480
Certificates VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 11, 2017 .
In this series of posts we will walk through the process of upgrading all of the vRealize Automation Certificates. We’ll be moving from self-signed certificates that were deployed during the installation, to certificates that have been provided by an Enterprise Certificate Authority (CA). It is worth noting that the same process can be used to replace expiring SSL certificates as well.
Amongst other reasons, the purpose of doing this is to update the certificates so that communications between components is secured via a CA and for the following sites within the vRealize Automation deployment to be secured and trusted:
Certificates VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 11, 2017 .
This is the first in a series of posts covering the replacement of vRealize Automation SSL Certificates. For the purpose of these posts, I have deployed vRealize Automation 7.3 environment with self signed certificates. This means that when you navigate to https://vra7.fqdn/vcac , the site is not secure nor trusted. Therefore, you will be presented with something like the following in your browser (I mostly use Chrome):
Certificates VMware vRealize Automation vRealize Orchestrator

Written by Christopher Lewis on June 22, 2017 .
I am on my way home from my first North East VMUG ( @NorthEastVMUG ). It is not my first VMUG. Work allowing, I have been a regular attendee to the London VMUG ( @LonVMUG ) for the last few years. This time would be different though. This time I was presenting a session for the first time.
What is VMUG?

The VMware User Group (VMUG) is an independent, global, customer-led organization, created to maximize members’ use of VMware and partner solutions through knowledge sharing, training, collaboration, and events. There are numerous VMUG meetings around the world, so there is more than likely one near you!

Written by Christopher Lewis on May 24, 2017 .
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.3 is out! ( Release Notes ) and the deployment and configuration process is now a lot slicker and easier to complete. In this HOWTO, we look at the the process of configuring Role Based Access Management within the Control Center.
There are three Pre-Defined Roles are:
- Administrator - Has access to All configuration menus.
- Tenant Admin - Has access to only to Role Based Access Management and Inspect Workflows.
- Consumer - Has access to only to Inspect Workflows.
Important things to remember that I discovered through testing are:

Written by Christopher Lewis on May 23, 2017 .
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.3 is out! ( Release Notes ) and the deployment process is now a lot slicker and easier to complete. In this HOWTO, we look at the process that can be followed for the configuration of a single standalone Orchestrator Appliance.
- Successful deployment of the VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.3 Appliance.
- (optional) A DNS CNAME record for vro.fqdn to replace vro.app.fqdn.
Configuration Steps
Using a web browser, navigate to https://vro.app.fqdn:8281/vco/
- Operating a Private Cloud - Part 3: Creating a Pricing Card in VMware Aria Automation
- Operating a Private Cloud - Part 2: Creating a Pricing Card in VMware Aria Operations
- Operating a Private Cloud - Part 1: Understanding Pricing Cards in VMware Aria
- Zero2Hero - Using Aria Automation to Deploy Multiple Machines with Multiple Disks - Part 5
- Zero2Hero - Using Aria Automation to Deploy Multiple Machines with Multiple Disks - Part 4