Category : VMware

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 11, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Note: Let’s be clear everyone tends to use Brian Graf’s vRA6 IaaS Prerequisite script (available via github ) in real life but we need to understand what the manual process is too so that in the event of a configuration issue, we have a better chance to understand when a configuration is wrong.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 11, 2017 .

Objective Overview

Objective 1.1 - Deploy and Manage a vRA Appliance and IaaS Server as single nodes

  • Acquire IaaS installation media from the virtual appliance
  • Perform initial configuration of appliance and IaaS
    • Configure NTP server for vRealize Appliances
    • Assign appropriate IP address to vRealize Appliance
  • Enable Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) to communicate between all servers in deployment.
  • Configure Windows Firewall to allow vRA components to communicate

Objective Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are assumed for this Objective:

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 10, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .


Configuration Overview

The high level configuration steps for this appliance are:

  1. Connect to the Automation Appliance VAMI
  2. Configure the Time/NTP settings
  3. Confirm the Network Settings
  4. Configure the Host Settings
  5. Configure the SSO Settings
  6. Configure Licensing
  7. Confirm vRealize Automation Services Status
  8. Logon to the vRealize Automation Portal

Step by Step Instructions

Connect to the Identity Appliance VAMI

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to VAMI of the Automation Appliance (https://automation-appliance.fqdn:5480)
  1. Click Advanced and then click Proceed to automation-appliance.fqdn (unsafe).
  1. Enter root into the User name text field and the password for the root account into the Password text field. Click Login.

Configure the Time / NTP Settings

  1. Click the Admin Tab and then the Time Settings Tab.
  1. Select Use Time Server from the Time Sync. Mode dropdown and enter the time server(s) in the text field(s) and click Save Settings.

It is important to use the same consistent time source throughout the implementation of vRealize Automation.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 10, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Within the VMware vSphere Web Client, right click and select Deploy OVF Template.
  1. Click Browse, navigate to the location of the Identity Appliance OVA, select it and then click Open.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Enter the Identity Appliance name into the the Name text field and then select the Datacentre or folder location to deploy the Identity Appliance.
  1. Click Next
  1. Select the appropriate cluster, host or resource pool and then click Next.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Click Accept and then click Next.
  1. Select the appropriate storage location and then click Next.
  1. Choose the correct Port Group from the Destination Network dropdown and click Next.
  1. Check the Enable SSH service in the appliance checkbox (this can be disabled later), enter the FQDN of the Identity Appliance into the Hostname text field and enter (then confirm) the root password in the Enter password and Confirm password text fields.
  1. Click on Networking Properties to expand the options and scroll down to expose the new fields to complete.
  1. Enter the IP Address(es) of the DNS Server(s) into the DNS Text field, enter the gateway address into the Default Gateway field, enter the Appliance IP Address into the Network 1 IP Address text field and finally add the Netmask into the Network 1 Netmask text field.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Review the configuration information and then Click Finish to deploy the Identity Appliance.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 10, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .


Configuration Overview

The high level configuration steps for this appliance are:

  1. Connect to the Identity Appliance VAMI
  2. Configure the Time/NTP settings
  3. Confirm the Network Settings
  4. Configure the SSO Administrator Password
  5. Configure the SSO Hostname
  6. Configure the SSL Certificate
  7. Join the Identity Appliance to Active Directory

Step by Step Instructions

Connect to the Identity Appliance VAMI

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to VAMI of the Identity Appliance https://identity-appliance.fqdn:5480.
  1. Click Advanced and then click Proceed to identity-appliance.fqdn (unsafe).
  1. Enter root into the User name text field and the password for the root account into the Password text field. Click Login.

Configure the Time / NTP Settings

  1. Click the Admin Tab and then the Time Settings Tab.
  1. Select Use Time Server from the Time Sync. Mode dropdown and enter the time server(s) in the text field(s) and click Save Settings.

Confirm the Network Settings

  1. Click the Network Tab to confirm the network settings of the Identity Appliance are correct.

If the settings are incorrect, click the Address Tab, update the relevant settings, click Save Settings and then reboot the appliance.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 9, 2017 .

This post is a part of a series of posts for preparation for the VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam. For the full exam prep resources check here .

Step by Step Instructions

Deploying the VMware vRealize Automation Appliance

Within the VMware vSphere Web Client, right click and select Deploy OVF Template.

Click Browse, navigate to the location of the vRealize Automation OVA, select it and then click Open.

Click Next.

Enter the vRealize Automation Appliance name into the the Name text field and then select the Datacentre or folder location to deploy the Appliance.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on January 8, 2017 .

In this post we will look to expand on my previous post HOWTO: Deploy a vSphere 6.5 External Platform Services Controller (VCSA) and deploy the VMware vSphere 6.5 vCenter Server Appliance so that it takes advantage of the external Platform Services Controller.


Like with anything VMware Appliance related, you will need to have both Forward and Reverse DNS entries manually added to your DNS Server.

To install the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), you first have to mount the ISO. In Windows 10 this is simple!

VMware vSphere Platform Services Controller PSC vCenter Server

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 22, 2016 .

Objective Overview

Objective 3.2 - Deploy and Manage Certificates and Access Control

  • Create/add/modify users and groups for specific roles.
  • Assign new administrative users to different Business Groups.
  • Create custom groups that grant users/groups multiple roles.
  • Assign a user to specific Custom Groups and Business Groups.
  • Configure user access to Identity Store Groups, Custom Groups, Business Groups, and Entitled Items according to a deployment plan.
  • Generate new certificate requests.
  • Deploy and Update certificates for multiple vRealize appliances.
  • Replace self-signed certificates with signed certificates.

Note: I have moved the above items around to better group the items in this Objective.

VMware vRealize Automation VCAP6 VCAP6-CMA

Written by Christopher Lewis on December 5, 2016 .


Great news this morning, having passed my VCAP6-Deploy (second attempt) and VCAP6-Design (re-marked) I am now proud to be able to call myself a VMware Certified Implementation Expert (VCIX) 6 : Data Center Virtualization (DCV).

That is just one step away from the coveted VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) Certification which is an aim for next year!


Written by Christopher Lewis on December 5, 2016 .

I took the VCAP6-DCV Design exam in March as part of the BETA program. It was a nice exam but made frustrating by the fact it kept locking up and out of the 4 hours allocated, I lost an hour and moved machines 3 times. When the results came out, I wasn’t surprised when I was told i didn’t make the grade. Afterall, I didn’t actually answer all the questions. After speak to Pearson Vue they finally sorted out a exam voucher so I could take a free resit.