VMworld 2019 - Make Your Mark - The Series!
VMworld 2019 Europe is finally upon us. See below for the links to my posts from VMworld 2019, my fourth VMworld in Barcelona!

Written by Christopher Lewis on October 28, 2019 .
VMworld 2019
VMworld 2019 - It's nearly time to Make Your Mark!
Conference season has started and it is time to think about what to do at VMworld 2019!

Written by Christopher Lewis on October 24, 2019 .
VMworld 2019
Migrating thecloudxpert.net to Hugo and AWS!
I have been using WordPress ever since I started my blog in 2016 and whilst it was a great platform to start blogging with, after 3 years I wanted something more from my blog. So I decided to try out HUGO!

Written by Christopher Lewis on October 14, 2019 .
Hugo AWS
Multiple Achievements Unlocked!
There have been a few Achievements / Goals Unlocked in the last few months. Let me walk you through them!

Written by Christopher Lewis on July 24, 2019 .
VMware VMware Cloud on AWS VMware EMpower vRealize Operations Cloud Management
Achievement Unlocked: vExpert Cloud Management 2019
The VMware vExpert Cloud Management 2019 announcement has been released, and I am truly humbled to be recognised for community contributions in the cloud management space.

Written by Christopher Lewis on July 19, 2019 .
Cloud Management vExpert vExpert Cloud Management vRealize Operations vROps
Updating the VMware vCenter License Key using PowerCLI
Out of the blue this week, I had a query from a colleague about being able to update the vCenter License key programmatically via PowerShell/PowerCLI. This is something I have done before so luckily I had a script.

Written by Christopher Lewis on June 14, 2019 .
PowerCLI PowerShell Licensing
Upgrading to VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager v2.1
In this really short blog post we are going to be showing the step by step process of upgrading your existing deploy of VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager (vRSLCM) to the latest version (which at the time of writing is v2.1).

Written by Christopher Lewis on May 3, 2019 .
Replacing the vRealize Automation 7.3 Appliance VAMI Site Certificate
This is a series of posts covering the replacement of vRealize Automation SSL Certificates. This post cover replacing the vRealize Automation Appliance VAMI Certificate.

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 7, 2019 .
Southwest VMUG - March 2019 - vRSLCM Notes, Tips and Tricks from the Field v2
In this short post, I review my first time presenting to the South West VMUG in Bristol!

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 22, 2019 .
Practical Exam Tips and Tricks for Beginners
I truly believe there is a not-so-exact science behind taking exams. In this post I am going to share with you the tips and strategies I use to ensure maximum success when taking multiple-choice exams.

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 28, 2019 .
Certification Exams VCAP VCP VMware