Category : VMware

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 20, 2016 .

This is Part 3 of a series on Monitoring Processes in Linux using VMware vRealize Operations Endpoint Operations Management.

  1. Creating the MultiProcess Object for a single Linux Machine
  2. Creating a MultiProcess Object for a Linux Machine (via Inventory Explorer)
  3. Creating Object Relationships
  4. Identifying the correct process.query string

Creating Object Relationships

If you haven’t already, log into vRealize Operations using an appropriate account.

Select Administration.

Select Object Relationships.

Endpoint Operations Management EPOPS Linux VMware vRealize Operations

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 20, 2016 .

This is Part 2 of a series on Monitoring Processes in Linux using VMware vRealize Operations Endpoint Operations Management.

  1. Creating the MultiProcess Object for a single Linux Machine
  2. Creating a MultiProcess Object for a Linux Machine (via Inventory Explorer)
  3. Creating Object Relationships
  4. Identifying the correct process.query string

Creating a MultiProcess Object for a Linux Machine (via Inventory Explorer)

Log into vRealize Operations using an appropriate account.

Endpoint Operations Management EPOPS Linux VMware vRealize Operations

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 20, 2016 .

This is Part 1 of a series on Monitoring Processes in Linux using VMware vRealize Operations Endpoint Operations Management.

  1. Creating the MultiProcess Object for a single Linux Machine
  2. Creating a MultiProcess Object for a Linux Machine (via Inventory Explorer)
  3. Creating Object Relationships
  4. Identifying the correct process.query string

I have been working with a customer recently around migrating their Linux based monitoring form their incumbent monitoring tool into vRealize Operations End Point Operations Management. For those who don’t know, from VMware vRealize Operations 6.1, VMware have started to migrate some of the functionality of the (seemingly deprecated) VMware vRealize Hyperic Monitoring tool into the native functionality of VMware vRealize Operations.

Endpoint Operations Management EPOPS Linux VMware vRealize Operations

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 12, 2016 .

As part of the continual (re)deployment and evolution of my home lab I have created a custom ESXi image to include a VIB for my Synology SAN. Whilst I will concentrate on the steps required to complete this specifically for the Synology, the principle applies to any home lab or indeed any Production environment that needs a custom VMware vSphere ESXi Image.

VMware PowerCLI vSphere ESXi

Written by Christopher Lewis on April 7, 2016 .

Power CLI 2nd Edition - A “must have” book for anyone who is working with VMware products and wants to add value and save time.

The book has been helpful to me for three reasons: it has taught me how to automate those mundane tasks that everybody hates to, it has enabled me to remove the human error - making sure results are consistent, and most importantly it has given me back some much needed time to tackle more interesting problems/tasks (after all once you have written a script once it can be re-used on many projects!).

PowerCLI PowerShell VMware

Written by Christopher Lewis on March 24, 2016 .

I thought I would share one of the many Visio Diagrams I have created recently on a project to deploy VMware vRealize Automation 6.2.x.

VMware vRealize Automation 6.x

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 27, 2016 .

On the 26th February (afternoon), I failed at my first attempt to gain my VCAP5-DCD with a score of 279. Beforehand I did say to myself that I would rather have failed hard than nearly get there with a close to passing score.

Put simply, I ran out of time.

Like most exams i take i go in with a game plan, i’d read a lot on the internet and been told by a lot of people - do the Master and Visio style questions first.


Written by Christopher Lewis on February 14, 2016 .

Today I start my journey to obtain my VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5 - Data Center Design certification. I have been designing and supporting VMware products for a lot of years, so I thought it was about time I got my VCAP certifications!

Note: Let me just say I realise the VMware Certified Advance Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization Design is currently in BETA and I will be taking this exam as well.

Certification VCAP VCAP5-DCD

Written by Christopher Lewis on February 4, 2016 .

Grant Orchard ( @grantorchard ) has just released a new version of the vRealise Automation 7 API reference documentation as a Docker container called Platypus !

For all those guys who, like me, don’t run a Mac laptop and cannot use the VMware’s AppCatalyst to run Photon, I thought I would write a quick post on how to get Platypus working within a Docker Container upon the Synology NAS (if you have one). Synology’s support for Docker can be found here and it contains a list of supported NAS devices.

API Docker Synology vRA vRealize vRealize Automation